
Poor Leg Circulation Could Be Spotted in Eye Exams

Posted On: 03-10-2017
Poor Leg Circulation Could Be Spotted in Eye Exams
New research looks at the possibility that a routine eye exam could identify poor circulation elsewhere. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland indicated that the narrowing of blood vessels in the retina could point to narrowing of large blood vessels in the legs as well. This condition is also referred to as peripheral artery disease (PAD).

For the study, approximately 9.400 adults were tracked for a period of 19 years. During the course of the study, more than 300 participants developed peripheral artery disease to the point of needing hospitalization or surgery. Additionally, 92% of these patients had the most serious form of peripheral artery disease, which can lead to gangrene or amputation.

After the researchers adjusted for known peripheral artery disease risk factors, they found that participants with abnormal tiny blood vessels of the retina had more than double the odds of developing peripheral artery disease. This link was strongest in participants with diabetes.

Currently, peripheral artery disease affects around 8.5 million Americans over 40 years of age and leads to morbidity and decreased quality of life. Despite the condition being common, the screening for it is not satisfactory, according to some specialists.

Investigators are looking at this link and suggest that abnormalities in blood vessels in the retina can point directly to the problems in the legs. This means that looking for this type of blood vessel abnormalities in eye exams could have great use in the prevention and treatment of other conditions. When it comes to peripheral artery disease, early treatment can save lives.

It is important to note that at publication, these findings were considered preliminary and have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

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