
Prevent Dehydration After Weight Loss Surgery

Posted On: 04-19-2019
Prevent Dehydration After Weight Loss Surgery
After weight loss surgery, your diet will require some changes, both immediately when you come home and in the long term. You’ll be on a liquid diet at first, before you’re able to transition to soft foods and then finally, regular foods.

Throughout this process, it can be easy to fill up on beverages that don’t give you the nutrition that you need (during the liquid diet stage) or move so quickly into the soft food stage that you are unable to keep up with the amount of beverages you should be having.

Remember that above all, it’s most important to follow the diet outlined for you by your doctor.

When & How to Consume Liquid

The amount of liquid that you’ll need to avoid becoming dehydrated after surgery can vary from one patient to the next. One common amount recommended by doctors is 64 ounces per day. However, this should not be consumed all at once, or even via a full glass with each meal. Since your stomach has changed after surgery, it is better to sip liquids throughout the day. This slow approach will allow your body to get used to your new stomach size, and can also prevent nausea and vomiting that can occur from liquids moving through your digestive tract in a short time span.

Choosing Liquids

Right after your surgery, you will likely need to follow a clear liquid diet for a few days. After those few days, you may be cleared to have things like gelatin or broth. You should avoid sodas or beverages with a lot of sugar. Beverages with added sugar deliver calories without nutritional value, while carbonated beverages can expand the stomach and make you feel full when you haven’t consumed the nutrients that you need yet.

If you have any questions about your post-surgery diet, be sure to reach out to your surgical team for guidance and tips.

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