
4 Healthy Resolutions for This Year

Posted On: 01-20-2017
4 Healthy Resolutions for This Year
If you are still making goals for this year, it’s best to select resolutions that motivate you without being too difficult to maintain. Otherwise, you set yourself up for disappointment—which can make it hard to accomplish anything for the rest of the year. Here are four resolutions that could improve your health and quality of life this year and beyond.

1. Focus on Strength

A lot of New Year’s resolutions are focused on weight loss. And while you want to feel confident in your clothes, place focus instead on building your strength and endurance. Point your eating habits and exercise routine toward making yourself stronger, and you’ll feel healthier, too.

2. Be Balanced

One big mistake that’s often made around this time of year is a resolution for a drastic diet change. Instead of setting goals that are complicated and easy to let go, aim instead to have a balanced lifestyle made up of sustainable changes. It might mean simply being more active every day, cutting out one food item that you know is bad for you, or drinking more water. Be honest with yourself about your current health habits, so you can recognize the most reasonable areas to tackle first.

3. Sleep

A simple way to feel healthier is to get more sleep each night. When you are rested, you feel healthier and actually have the energy to make better food choices and to be active. Start committing to an earlier bedtime or the use of a sleep tracker that monitors your sleep health, and then make gradual steps to improve as the year goes on.

4. Don’t Forget Mental Health

Don’t make the mistake of placing all of your efforts on physical health. Paying attention to your mood, finding satisfaction in small changes, and keeping a journal of inspiring quotes are all things that you can do to take better care of yourself this year. In fact, one of the best ways that you can take care of your mental health is to not stress much about the resolutions that you’ve set, and to just take gradual steps where you can.

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