
The Best Exercises for a Long Life

Posted On: 04-29-2015
The Best Exercises for a Long Life

Exercise is an essential component for increasing a person's lifespan. Without regular exercise, the human body tends to break down faster than it should. In addition, Exercise helps to build muscle tissue and is a contributing factor in maintaining bone mass; yet, with all the benefits associated with exercise, many patients are left wondering which exercises are the best options for health.

Daily Walking

Thirty minutes of brisk walking every day is a great option. Walking is generally an exercise that is low impact, so it should not cause any stress to the joints. Walking will also help to reduce weight. Additionally, walking is a great way to reverse insulin resistance. All these positive benefits from walking add up to help prevent obesity, diabetes, and ultimately heart disease. This is significant because heart disease is the number one cause for premature deaths in the United States; thus, eliminating heart disease with daily exercise will ensure that people who exercise will live much longer than those who do not.

Interval Training

Another form of exercise that can help patients to live longer is called interval training. Interval training involves 30 seconds of very rigorous exercise followed by 90 seconds of rest. This two minute interval is then repeated three to eight times. The number of intervals a person will be able to do will depend on how much time they spend pushing themselves to reach that next level. Since the 30 second phase of the workout is very fast and rigorous, this type of exercise regimen is well known to reverse insulin resistance and other diabetes related complications. With a patient's blood sugar in check, this will help to ensure both a longer life and a better quality of life.

Weight Bearing Exercise

Weight bearing exercise is another important component to a long and healthy life. Weight bearing exercise helps to ensure that a patient's bones maintain sufficient bone mass. This helps to guard against conditions like osteoporosis, preventing debilitating fractures later in life. With stronger bones, reduced weight, and freedom from other weight related complications, it is relatively easy to see how regular exercise will keep patient’s going strong as they age.

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