
Do Home Remedies Work for Dry Hair?

Posted On: 04-14-2017
Do Home Remedies Work for Dry Hair?
Dry hair can be caused by genetics, harsh weather, chemical treatments and heated hair appliances. Excessive cleansing can also cause dry hair, since shampoo removes a lot of the natural oils on the hair shaft. Hair products that are made to provide moisture and treatment for dry hair contain chemicals that can actually make the hair even drier over time. Sometimes, thyroid issues and other health conditions are to blame. Many patients wonder if natural items found at home can help to keep hair moisturized while long-term treatments are being determined.

Food Items

Mayonnaise is a natural conditioner for hair, and special hair mayonnaises products are designed to be deep hair conditioning treatments. However, regular mayonnaise used for food preparation can also work. Mayonnaise can be applied to the hair for five minutes, a few hours, or even overnight when covered with a plastic shower cap. After rinsing the mayonnaise out, hair should be shampooed in order to prevent a greasy look. Bananas and avocados also provide natural moisture and nourishment for dry hair, and can be mashed up and applied to hair for 15 minutes before being rinsed away.

Essential Oils

Natural oils can be used to return moisture to dry hair, such as essential oils frequently used for aromatherapy. Popular options are lavender and sandalwood oils. After applying a few drops, hair can then be wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes before the oil is rinsed away. Olive oil is a natural moisturizer as well, and massaging 2 tablespoons into the hair and letting it sit for 30 minutes can provide nourishment. These oil treatments can be repeated once a week for the most benefit.


Rinsing hair with cool water instead of warm or hot water can reduce dry hair and damage. The cool water closes the hair cuticle, keeping moisture in the hair. Vinegar rinses can help to treat dry hair as well. The vinegar is a clarifying agent that removes build-up of hair products that can dry out the hair and cause damage. Combining 2 cups of apple cider vinegar with 10 drops of essential oil can be rinsed through hair after cleansing.

While home remedies might help with some causes of dry hair, you might find that working with your doctor to treat the underlying cause is a more long-term solution to achieving healthy hair.

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